Bite Size #104: Dr Amantha Imber - How I Leveraged the Latest Productivity Research to Write 'The Health Habit' in Record Time

In this bite size from episode #80, author and organisational psychologist Amantha Imber walks us through the steps she took to write her new book 'The Health Habit' in record time, including specific research and strategies she used to to make it as helpful as possible.

Amantha also walks us through how she puts this information into practise in her life to feel her best and work at her most productive, as well as sharing some solid advice on the habit changing process and how it isn’t always as easy as some people think.

 You can find Dr Amantha at her Website:
Buy The Health Habit: 

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Bite Size #104: Dr Amantha Imber - How I Leveraged the Latest Productivity Research to Write 'The Health Habit' in Record Time
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